TAMFS Announces Help & Referral Line – 1-877-TAMFS-64
“We want to make sure that when anyone, anywhere who is LGBT/Q in the PC(USA) needs help — that there is always someone on  the other end of the line: to be there; to listen; ready to help; and to make sure they know God loves them and they are not alone.”
We are pleased to announce the new:
TAMFS Help & Referral Line – 1-877-TAMFS-64 (1-877-826-3764).
This line is now active 24 hours a day, seven days a week – and we ask you to spread the word!
We believe there are many for whom this service will be an important pastoral and advocacy ministry, supporting members of the PC(USA) who are LGBT/Q, those who love and care for us, along with congregations seeking help in navigating recent changes and those to come. It will be a way of helping one another by connecting us throughout the country, relying on each other and our experiences to assist those just beginning on this path. We want to make sure that none of us who are  LGBT/Q in the PC(USA) is ever alone or without someone to help us.
Please give the number a call if you need help or have questions. We would be happy to speak with you, listen to your ideas, and work with you in connecting our community and the PC(USA) in this pastoral and personal way.
Also, please circulate this number and information to all you can, including it in bulletins, websites, and any other social media where you think it might reach folks we hope to help.
Once again, the number is 1-877-TAMFS-64 Â (1-877-826-3764). And, please, if you are experiencing an emergency of any kind that needs immediate attention – call 911 right away.We want to make sure you are there, when we call back!
Thanks for all you have done and continue to do in making this church a welcoming place for all our sisters and brothers. Looking forward to continuing this sacred work together.