Got Moms?

(From Believe Out Loud – 5 years ago!)


Why support 050 [PCUSA’s overture to admit harms done to LGBTQ/Q Community and Apologize]? 

This video is from FIVE years ago…with more to do to break the cycle of hatred and violence. Legislative change is important, but living into it in ways that turn the tide of marginalization takes enormous courage and commitment. What better place for what should be a reservoir of such strength than our communities of faith. 

Imagine the harms that were done (still are in some places) when this family would find themselves turned away. 

According the the FBI’s statistics: “In 2014, 20.8% of hate crimes reported to police in 2013 were founded on perceived sexual orientation.” So, if the numbers remained the same, in the five years since this video was produced, more than 12,000 hate crimes have been committed against folks who identify or are perceived to be LGBTQ/+. Add to that family and friends who have been affected when loved ones have been targeted, and it is easy to see why the work of lifting up the changes in the PC(USA) and acknowledging the harms that have been done are so important to us – and to those who watch us. 

At That All May Freely Serve, we ask for your support of Overture 050 (Item 11-05) in the ongoing struggle to make sure everyone knows they are welcome in the PC(USA). From there, the wind and fire of Pentecost take care of the rest. More at That All May Freely Serve…

Ray Bagnuolo