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Friends, this is a post from our newsletter at Sayville Congregational United Church of Christ where I serve. So much that goes through my mind brings me to you and our work in one another’s lives and the communities we continue to change. So, in case you are interested… With love, Ray
Forcibly separating children from parents and guardians; closing America’s border to aliens of a certain variety; a still unresolved response to natural disasters in Puerto Rico – it appears that if you are “the other†in this country or on your way here – you are going to have a tough go at it. And there appear to be many who agree with this at some level, at least enough to make this an argument. And argue they do. Not me. At least, not so much!
Over the years, I’ve had my fill of “arguing†about who’s in; who’s out and on and on. It’s simple:
We’re in: all of us. In this place of faith we share, we’ve already agreed that it is about love and welcoming and hospitality toward each other and the stranger among us. As one among you, I know we know this, and I know how inadequate love can sometimes feel in the absence of reason.
Still, that doesn’t make love weak or impotent, it just means not everyone gets it – yet. In many ways, we are the yet that others are coming to know. It’s why the smallest acts of kindness and compassion are so important. It’s why the occlusion of love in others by anger – calls us to love even more in the all directions and calls we follow.
Yes, it’s true: not everyone starts from love, or even wishes to. Anger feels so much more powerful to the angry. Ironically, it is true that love feels so much more powerful to the loving. Funny how that works. For many of us, there’s more to it than the false equivalence of a binary choice:
Jesus taught us that love is the answer and that’s the difference.
We have it on good authority that love and hospitality are the fundamental tenets of the kin-dom of God. Good News that it is, it also does not mean that everything will get better right away, and in those cases, especially, our loving is critically important.
Friends, our challenges in this world are many, including how we enter into dialogue that helps us to engage one another in civil and thoughtful ways. Seeking dialogue to galvanize a loving response in the face of the many injustices that brings us together is critical, while leaving a path for those who are uncertain or oppositional to follow, while we carry on. We cannot be held hostage to those who are not ready to change. We love them, perhaps, most of all.
Loving others does not require everyone to love us, first.
Seeking change does not require everyone to want the change.
It just means that we, who are inclined in the way of love, begin the process anew each day, sometimes several times a day: because we love.
Especially now, as we see and seethe with the pain and struggle of others because of our government’s response to their actions, let those who lead feel the full force and heat of the love we have and the faith we share in calling for change.
We are always best when we lead from our position of strength: love.
Ray Bagnuolo
June 19, 2018
Thank you to everyone for your donations.
Because of your generosity, we have been able to support March for Our Lives with this $1,000 contribution
Microsoft Word – 2018.03.22.March for Our Lives
Never Again.
That All May Freely Live…
Friends, please support the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School student organized “March for Our Lives” through this campaign managed by That All May Freely Serve. 100% of all donations will be submitted to “March for Our Lives” by March 19, 2018 – helping to pay costs for the March on Washington, D.C. on March 24th.
All donations received by TAMFS between March 3 and March 15
will be donated to support the Never Again Movement.
Please give using our online kiosk here
Whatever you believe may be the solution to gun violence, we all agree that no student should ever be shot to death in a school or elsewhere, ever! By helping the students of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in their movement, we can help to restore the dignity and respect for life that all our beliefs call us to hold without exception.
Friends, many of us have worked in movements as activists, advocates and allies. We call on you to now act as all three in supporting these young people from across the country with your financial gift and your individual actions and ongoing prayers.
Too many of us know what it is to lose someone to gun violence. In their memory and for all those who look to us for their safety, care and love – please give today.
Thank you, Ray
Rev. Ray Bagnuolo, Chaplain and Minister Director of That All May Freely Serve, a ministry of the Presbytery of Genesee Valley, New York with financial oversight provided by Downtown United Presbyterian Church, Rochester, New York. He also serves Sayville Congregational United Church of Christ as pastor.
The picture shows the lawn of Sayville Congregational United Church of Christ in Sayville, New York. Following the shooting, we placed seventeen crosses and Stars of David on our lawn, along with floral wreaths and flowers as a memorial. Since then, we have distributed crosses throughout the area for others who wish to create their own witness to solidarity. At one point, Sayville Church had over 600 crosses on the lawn, beginning with the Sandy Hook, Newtown, CT shooting, adding crosses over the next several months as others died from of gun violence. Whatever the causes and whatever the blend of solutions needed, we agree with the students and with you – Never Again