A world apart, I guess
As if no one is reading…How many folks spoke about the shooting in the Texas church this weekend or the stabbing and spate of anti-Semitic attacks headlining the news? How many of us prayed for those caught up in the violence…
I hope many of us, for our denomination’s voice continues to be quiet, compartmentalized, silent.
I went to the pcusa.org website again this morning, hoping that maybe this church had the awareness and courage to step into the call for healing, especially since other communities of faith were impacted.
On our website, i did find a new heading (12/30/19) for a Texas Church – “Texas church takes a different approach to worship” promoting the Co-Moderators Book Study: “Neighborhood Church: Transforming Your Congregation into a Powerhouse for Mission.”
Less than 200 miles away from the Shepherd of the Hills Presbyterian Church in Austin, Texas (the church in the focus of the video/book discussion )– the congregation reeling from a shooting that killed people inside worship on Sunday was in shock and mourning. Austin, Tx to White Settlement: 197 miles apart; might as well be a world apart.
It’s not that our voice is “silent” in the somber nature of these moments – which is not good in itself; but our voice chooses to not even recognize in a public way the tragedies and sufferings of our extended family in worship, praising God in different ways, perhaps, but still praising the same God.
Or maybe that’s where I have it wrong….maybe we don’t see others, some others, as family enough to speak out. I don’t know… I’m hoping someone is listening; still I often write as though no one is.